Finally i made it!!!!
This is my 5th or 6th trial bun and the 1st success ever, forget about the rest, it goes to the trash.
I made this buns last evening after work. Took only 20 mins to knead the dough. I've knead one of my trial bun for 3 hours!!! until my hand mixer almost broken and it still ended up in the trash.
And finally i realize that the biggest problem was my FLOUR. I use flour that written to be "BREAD FLOUR"(for making chinese spring onion pancake) in the package, but everytime i knead it, it seems to be very very wet and sticky. And today i use all purpose flour and it turned out just perfectly. Beautiful isn't it?
I'm so happy with my bun, even an argument with J didn't upset me at all :)
Faannnyy .. cakep banget red bean bun-nya. Terlihat empuk dan enak. Happy Baking ya Fann ..
Thank you mba
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