I haven't bake or cooking something unusual this week. Feeling exhausted and not enough sleep, caused by J's request to design his website. Done it for four times and he mess it up again. My head so heavy, if only i could take it off from my neck for rest, while my body working.....
No appetite for dinner and somehow i remembered this super easy and unhealthy but awesome taste snack
1 pack oreo cookies, i only found chocolate filling in nearby 7eleven
1 cup flour
1 egg
110 cc milk
1/2 tsp salt
-Mix all the batter ingredients, coat the cookies and deep fry till brown.
Gimana rasanya ini Fann? Aku kok pingin nyoba, enak Fan?
enak pas anget anget gitu deh mba....yg pake vanilla filling lebih enak kali ya.
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