Saturday, August 23, 2008

Lemony Chicken with Bell Pepper

I love the beautiful color of the bell pepper, if only i've got the green one, it will be more beautiful :)


100 g shredded chicken breasts
1 red bell pepper
1 yellow bell pepper
1 egg yolk
2 tablespoons cornstarch
4 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
2 cloves crushed garlic
dash salt & pepper

Marinated shredded chicken with egg yolk, lemon juice, cornstarch and few drops of oil for 30 minutes. Heat a cup of oil, deep fry chicken and set aside.
Heat another tablespoon oil, saute garlic until fragrant, add sliced bell pepper, stir for 1 minutes. Stir in chicken and add half cup of water. Turn to high heat and stir for another 1 minute. Season with salt and pepper. Serve hot.

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