Sunday, September 14, 2008

Chicken in Red Wine Sauce

One of my favorite chicken, recipe adapted from 培梅创意家常菜 (creative Chinese home dishes). Original recipe use button mushroom but i skip it, since i don't stock the button mushroom.

4 chicken drumstick, halved
1/2 large onion, sliced
1 can button mushroom
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 tbsp red wine
2 tbsp ketchup
salt and pepper to taste
carrot for garnish

-Heat 2 tbsp oil, saute garlic and sliced onion till fragrant. Add in mushroom and stir for 1 min, add chicken and stir till the color changed, add in red wine and ketchup. Pour 2 cups of water and simmer till chicken tender.

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