In Chinese calendar, yesterday was the 1st day of 5th month (sorry i don't know the exact name of the month). I went to the friend's house after work, i saw few candles on the table and she told me that was magic candle. One of her old relatives give it to her. In Chinese belief,( i'm not so clear whether Chinese culture or religion-connection) you can make a wish to the magic candle on the 1st and 15th day of the month. She said, if your candle burn very fast, that means your wish will be come true, but if your candle burn very slow that really hard to tell.
She gave me one candle, i write down my wish....and i light up the candle. My candle burn for 4 hours and 10 mins..... the fastest one burns for 4 hours.
Do you believe it???
I don't know...but i really hope my wish will come true
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