Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Indonesian Honeycomb Cake / Bika Ambon

Few days ago, J was talking to me about this cake. Indonesian call it Bika Ambon, originally come from Medan, big city in northern part of Sumatra. I don't know why they call it bika ambon, where Ambon located nowhere in/near Sumatra.
And he challenge me again whether i can make this cake. This time, it's really a "challenge" since i've never eaten bika ambon in my life.
Browse and search the recipe, most people said the process of making this cake is difficult and complicated. Finally i ended up in this site and decide to use their recipe since it's the simplest one compared to others. I substitute the sago flour with hun kwe flour which also made from Aren. Aren is Indonesian name for sago palm.
The cake turned out to be very nice and it has beautiful honeycomb texture, soft and chewy with strong flavor of lime leaves+coconut milk+egg yolk. I couldn't get a nice shot of the cake due to poor lighting in my kitchen (and super cheap digicam too)

Cross cut section


Judith said...

Rajinnya bikin Bika Ambon .. kirimin dong Fan :D

Anonymous said...

Kapan kapan kalau kesini mampir deh mba. Mau makan apa aja aku buatin (asal bisa hahaa...)


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