Compared to the fudgy one, i would prefer this cakey type of brownies. I've try the fudgy brownies few times and it always has strong smell of egg, which i hate most. I don't know, whether it should be that way or i do it in the wrong way.
65 g bittersweet chocolate
115 g butter
170 g fine sugar
40 g cake flour
100 g pine nut
2 eggs
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 tsp salt
- Melt chopped chocolate and butter in microwave and stir until smooth. Beat egg and sugar till a bit creamy(not too creamy) add salt and vanilla essence, stir in melted chocolate and fold in flour. Pour half of the batter into baking pan, sprinkle with half pine nut and pour the rest of the batter and topped with the rest of the nuts.
Bake in preheated oven at 180 for 25-30 mins
Addduuuhh nampak enak bener nih Fann, jadi pingin cake coklat, brownies, muffins coklat ... trus apa lagi yak? he he ...jadi kangen makan cokla :D
aku juga lg demam coklat mba, no more diet lah hidup cuma sekali ingin makan sesuatu aja di tahan hahaa...
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