Sunday, July 20, 2008

Mashed Potato And Broccoli Butter

It's been 2 months since i quit those junk & oily food (Taiwanese said Instant noodle, KFC, McD, Pizzahut are delicious junk food), i cook my own dinner everyday (except those lazy days) and i lose 3 pounds in this last 2 months. I still break my diet rule whenever i walk over the bubble tea shop. I just can't resist it.
KFC(or McD?) served mashed potato and coleslaw long long ago, around 1999 as i remember. I made mashed potato today and it was so good, i'll try coleslow other time.
Things that i use are 1 large boiled potato-mashed, 3 tbsp cream, 2 tbsp butter, and salt beat together. I use minced garlic and 1 tbsp butter to stir fry broccoli.

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