Sunday, April 05, 2009

Artisan Bread

Am i the only one who had been dying to try this bread? This recipe is the easiest and simplest one compared to other bread and it has great review from around blogosphere. I never make a "real" bread before but i've been trying those buns several times, though it always ended up in the trash. You won't need heavy duty mixer or break your handmixer (like what i do...) to knead this bread. Recently i came across this site while searching for the artisan bread recipe and i thought basic recipe would be a great way to start with. I'm so surprised and satisfied with the result. It has crispy crust and chewy inside with amazing fragrant smell.


Judith said...

Fann .. aku juga barusan kelar bikin roti, he he roti ala swiss yang dikepang itu lho ..*haiyah bahasane...* :D

Anonymous said... aku juga lagi ingin bikin braide bread ini

nazz said...

Gosh.. you make me


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