Tuesday, November 11, 2008

It's Meme Time

I've been tagged by SSB with this meme yesterday, but only got chance to post it today. I'm about to write this last night, when J come up and we have long conversation till midnight and went to bed afterwards. I never write any meme before and this is the 1st one. Thank you SSB.
Here are the rules:

1. Link to my blog (tagger) on your blog.
2. Write seven facts about yourself.
3. Tag another seven bloggers by leaving a comment on their blogs and letting them know they were tagged and listing them (and their blogs) on your blog.

And here are 7 facts about me:

1. I hate TV since i was small, i would rather read books than sitting boringly in front of the tv, and somehow, i'm addicted to tv series titled "篮球火 / basketball fire" now, starred by "good looking" Jerry Yan

2. I love my mom&dad more than anyone else, i used to cry if they are away for more than a day, back when i was in primary school.

3. Couple years back, as a teenager, i love racing so much and crossing red light is become my bad habit. Once, i race with a friend at 2 a.m. and ended up in hospital with stiff neck and blueblack all over my body

4. I love wearing casual outfit rather than formal one. I've been kicked out of office by my boss, when i wear t-shirt and "supershort" short to work.

5. My both hands are trembling and shaking terribly(which i have no clue why), and thats become the main reason of my blur photography.

6. I hate morning wake up, always active in my free time, but feel super tired or sleepy when its working time.

7. I learn and enjoy cooking/baking so much, though sometimes it ended up out of expectation.

And now, i'm going to pass this meme to the following friends(though i know, some of them maybe not really interested in this):

1. Mba Judith
2. Mba Retno
3. Rita
4. Ponpon
5. Kinta
6. Emma
7. Nolla

Repost if you've got spare time and have fun :)


Judith said...

Thanks Fann .. mudah2an pas ada waktu aku bisa post yak :)

Anonymous said...

hehee...nevermind mba...

Retno Prihadana said...

He..he, ketiban PR nih sama Fanny :)

Anonymous said...

hahaa...iya mba

Ema said...

wahhh fanny.., aku kena tag nih.., thank's ya say.., ntar aku kerjain..:)

Rita said...

Wah ada PR yah yang harus dikerjain... ntar deh dikerjain


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